Monday 1 February 2010

Counting Strings and Things in Scala (2.8)

I often need to count the frequencies of strings ("words", typically). Below are a few Scala snippets for counting strings and things. (Don't miss the last one.)

First try

Let's start with a method for counting string frequencies in a list:

// Scala 2.8
def freq(wds: List[String]): Map[String, Int] = {
import annotation._
def freq(wds: List[String], map: Map[String, Int]): Map[String, Int] = {
wds match {
case l if l.isEmpty => map
case l => {
val elem = l.head
val n = map.getOrElse(elem, 0) + 1
freq( l.tail, map + (elem -> n ) )
freq(wds, Map())

It takes a list of strings, and returns a map (hash table) with a frequency count for each unique string. The one argument freq method contains an embedded two argument freq method. The second method recursively consumes elements of the list, incrementing the frequency count of the second accumulator argument. The two argument method is initialised with an empty map (at the end of the one argument method, freq(wds, Map()).

In each recursion, a new, immutable word frequency map is produced, with the incremented frequency count. The
import annotation._
part tells the compiler to check whether it can optimize the tail recursive call or not. (The Scala compiler can optimize a special case of tail recursion.)

If the recursion makes you dizzy, you can use a mutable HashMap instead:
def freq(wds: List[String]): Map[String, Int] = {
val freqs = collection.mutable.HashMap[String, Int]()
for(w <- wds) {
val n = freqs.getOrElseUpdate(w, 0)
freqs.update(w, n + 1)
// Return immutable copy of freqs
Map() ++ freqs

Second try

You'll soon find out that the above code is limited, since it only accepts List input. There is a more general concept, Seq, that will make it possible to call freq with different kinds of sequences (lists, listbuffers, arrays):
// Scala 2.8
def freq(wds: Seq[String]): Map[String, Int] = {
import annotation._
def freq(wds: Seq[String], map: Map[String, Int]): Map[String, Int] = {
wds match {
case l if l.isEmpty => map
case l => {
val elem = l.head
val n = map.getOrElse(elem, 0) + 1
freq( l.tail, map + (elem -> n ) )
freq(wds, Map())

Third try

One day you find yourself relocated from the word counting department to the character counting department. A string is a sequence, but of Chars, not Strings. The code above will not help you count character frequencies. Here is an attempt at generalising the code further, to make it able to count the frequencies of any thing, T, not just String:
// Scala 2.8
def freq[T](seq: Seq[T]): Map[T, Int] = {
import annotation._
def freq(seq: Seq[T], map: Map[T, Int]): Map[T, Int] = {
seq match {
case s if s.isEmpty => map
case s => {
val elem = s.head
val n = map.getOrElse(elem, 0) + 1
freq(s.tail, map + (elem -> n ))
freq(seq, Map())

Here's the more general non-tail-recursive version:
def freq[T](seq: Seq[T]): Map[T, Int] = {
val freqs = collection.mutable.HashMap[T, Int]()
for(elem <- seq) {
val n = freqs.getOrElseUpdate(elem, 0)
freqs.update(elem, n + 1)
// Return immutable copy of freqs
Map() ++ freqs


Last try (shamelessly lifted from someone at #scala)

But... you can still do better than this. A while ago, someone on the #scala irc channel (unfortunately, I don't remember this persons name) answered a question on how to associate each integer in a sequence with the number of times each integer occurred (or something like that). It turns out that, in Scala 2.8, it is possible to write a frequency counting thing even more compactly:
def freq[T](seq: Seq[T]) = seq.groupBy(x => x).mapValues(_.length)
It's so short, that it's almost not worth defining a method/function for it. You can simply call .groupBy(x => x).mapValues(_.length) directly on your Seq. (Or groupBy(identity).mapValues(_.length), which is the same thing.)

Double hooray.

Benchmarking is tricky, but a small test indicates that the last, most beautiful, version is also the quickest, and that the recursive ones using only immutable maps (in some situations) are quite slow.


Anonymous said...

I hadn't seen those 2.8 functions. Very neat. I tried it out to see what I could do with foldLeft (which is the first thing that pops into my head when I hear about a counting problem). Here is is, also in one (kinda long) line. Not as short as the 2.8 version...

foldLeft(Map[String, Int]())((countmap, word) => countmap + (word -> (countmap.getOrElse(word, 0)+1)))

(The mutable map case just means making the first parameter to foldLeft a mutable map and using += instead of +.)

- David

Nikolaj Lindberg said...


I also tried to put together a non-2.8 frequency counting one-liner, but I failed miserably... Thanks for your comment.

Anonymous said...

Sure. Its worth pointing out that the 2.8 version keeps a large temporary map whereas the foldLeft version is about as fast and compact as you can get (it really doesn't need any temp space if you use the mutable map version).

What I'd like to be able to do is the probably more common case of:

Given a string that is an entire document, perform the same counting routine. You can just put :

myBigString.split(" ").[any one of the processes used to group the list entries]

But this means that split has to create the large temp list of words. Is there a one-liner (or two-liner) that would allow you to do the split and the count word-by-word, instead of doing all of the split, followed by all of the counting? That would be the most performant way...

- David

Unknown said...

Very informative article.Thank you author for posting this kind of article .

Both are really good,